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Orders ship directly from our JHB warehouse and/or from suppliers which make to order across SA.

Items are not necessarily consolidated and may arrive at different times.


In Stock products: 3-7 working days via courier and 5-10 working days if ordering the assembly service.

Made To Order products: +- 7-14 working days manufacturing lead time. There-after 2-7 days courier delivery to your home.

Special Order products: These items are imported especially for you in 6-12 weeks.


Transit time is in business days (excludes Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays).

Please allow additional time for orders shipping outside the main city centers.

Delivery hours are between 9-5 Monday to Friday..


Shipping quotations may be increased if:

a) the courier/installers have to collect or deliver the goods above a second floor unless they have agreed to do so in writing;
b) the courier/installers supplies extra services at the Customer’s request;
c) the stairs, lifts or doorways at which the courier/installers must uplift or deliver the Customer’s goods are inadequate for easy delivery or the road or approach are unsuitable for their vehicles, unless the Customer advised us in writing of these problems before we prepared the quotation.
d) the room is not cleared for delivery to take place


Presidential Kids assumes no liability for orders shipped to incomplete or incorrect shipping addresses supplied by the customer. Any additional fees for such orders will be the responsibility of the customer. If a package is refused upon delivery, the customer will be responsible for all shipping charges incurred for the return of the item. Charges will be applied to any refund due to refusal.



Operating hours:
Mon-Fri: 9:00AM- 5:00PM
Sat: 9:00AM- 2:00PM
(Closed on public holidays)

Contact Us:
+27 60 816 4317



Mon-Fri: 9AM- 5:00PM

Sat: 9AM- 2:00PM                                                           

(closed on public holidays)                               Call: 060 816 4317

WhatsApp:  060 816 4317                





Terms & conditions







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